Please see the version comparison table.
Please follow these steps:
Please see the previous question.
Yes. According to the license agreement, you can use the App on up to five (5) devices that you own or control, for both personal and commercial purposes. Note, however, that you must not share your license key with other people. We're using an automated monitoring system on our server that will detect and ban shared license keys.
Yes. Please also see the previous question.
You can purchase the license in the online shop of our authorized reseller MyCommerce.
You'll usually receive your license key per email within just a few minutes after completing the purchase.
In some very rare situations it can take up to 24 hours, for example when some maintenance work is currently being done on our servers.
The orders are processed and fulfilled by our authorized reseller MyCommerce, which is handling the payments on our behalf. Please see the MyCommerce FAQ for further details about the order process.
Please see the download page.
Just simply download the App and then start the setup wizard.
On Windows:
On macOS:
Method 1: Using a destination folder (recommended)
Method 2: Manual file renaming
Duplicate audio files are automatically removed (or, more precisely, actually moved to the dedicated duplicates folder) when using the "Move to
destination folder" or "Copy to destination folder" feature within the "File" menu. Hence, the duplicate removal process is actually an integrated
part of the "Move to destination folder" or "Copy to destination folder" feature.
If you haven't done so far, the app will ask you to set up a destination folder. This will define where your sorted audio files should be moved (or
copied) to, and how they should be organized and renamed.
You have multiple different options here:
Magic Tagger was the predecessor software of AudioRanger. Magic Tagger has been discontinued and isn't actively developed anymore.